Dosing & Administration

A strategy centered on safety & convenience

Our innovative dosing strategy ensures safety and efficacy, allowing for a personalized treatment that's easily administered at home.


The foundation of safety and efficacy

Tiny initial doses

SLIT begins with exceptionally tiny initial doses. These initial doses, merely a fraction of a milligram of the allergenic protein, ensure the body gradually acclimates to the allergen with a minimized risk of severe reactions. This slow, careful introduction is key to the treatment's safety profile.

Build-up phase

During the build-up phase, these doses are incrementally increased, still remaining within the microgram to low milligram range. This careful calibration allows for a tailored approach, adjusting the body's tolerance to the allergen without overwhelming it.

Maintenance dosing

The maintenance phase involves slightly higher doses but still encompasses only a few milligrams of the allergenic protein. Remarkably, despite the modesty of these maintenance doses, they can yield profound impacts. Clinical studies have shown participants tolerating quantities of allergens significantly beyond their maintenance doses – in some instances, up to 1,000 times more. This testament to efficacy underscores the potent and protective capability of SLIT, even with minimal allergen exposure.


Effortless integration into daily life

Designed for simplicity and compatibility with active lifestyles, SLIT can be seamlessly incorporated into daily routines without disruption.

Simplicity of sublingual drops

The administration of SLIT involves placing tiny, tasteful drops under the tongue. This method is not only simple but also avoids the food aversions commonly associated with Oral Immunotherapy (OIT). The drops are designed to be both effective and palatable, ensuring a seamless integration into daily routines.

Designed for active lifestyles

With minimal required rest periods, SLIT fits effortlessly into the on-the-go schedules of families involved in sports, activities, and other engagements. Its convenience ensures that therapy can be administered anytime, anywhere, without interrupting or hindering daily life.

Expanding access and convenience with AlleRx

AlleRx's model of utilizing integrated virtual care to administer SLIT treatment enables more patients to access this effective therapy without the constraints of traditional care models. This approach not only simplifies the treatment process but also significantly reduces the burden on patients, facilitating regular follow-ups and ensuring the continuity of care.

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